
GingerCloud Foundation's Programs

The Modified Rugby Program

GingerCloud Foundation's Modified Rugby Program (MRP) is a world-first, touch-only modified form of rugby union. In the MRP, neurodiverse young people (7-18+ years) with Autism, Down Syndrome, ADHD or other learning and perceptual disabilities (MRP Players) play rugby with the support, guidance and friendship of a PlayerMentor (Volunteer) at their local club. NO CONTACT, NO TACKLE.  Find your nearest MRP Club, click here! 

MRP registrations are open January 5th until May 1st each year, please email for more information.


Disability Inclusion Leaders Program

GingerCloud's Disability Inclusion Leaders Program is a fun, interactive online course for PlayerMentors (Volunteers) that will enhance your leadership skills on and off the field! You will have the incredible opportunity to receive mentoring from leadership professionals including GingerCloud Foundation Co-Founder Megan Elliott and MRP Ambassadors Nathan Sharpe and Tim Horan AM, this is a chance to enhance your job prospects with valuable real-time skills.




Player2PlayerMentor Program

GingerCloud's Player2PlayerMentor Program empowers our remarkable neurodiverse young people to thrive beyond the rugby field and to live their best life. This is done via an exciting, interactive series of animation videos that explore leadership skills, social skills, communication and confidence, in a fun and friendly language, specifically for neurodiverse young people. Email to learn how you can be involved.



Work Experience Program

GingerCloud's Work Experience Program supports neurodiverse young people to thrive and to live their best life. If you would like to host one of our neurodiverse young people within your work space email